Monday, May 5, 2008

Tales of a Gentleman Encased in a Suit Made of Ferrous Material

This weekend I enjoyed the latest praxinoscopic-grammaphonic showing of Sir Jon of Favreau's latest work of moving pictures and associated sound recordings, entitled Iron Man. It was a most enjoyable time. Before the showing, I was just settling into my seat when I heard a distinguished lady from a nearby balcony observe to her friend, "So this is based on a work in the graphically presented adventure format." I thought the declaration to be quite apropos, though perhaps a connoisseur of the format as myself found it superfluously so.

The work itself was hugely enjoyable. Special mention must be made of the younger Robert Downey, whose talent was readily on display. The associated phantasmagoria was also overwhelmingly delightful. It is my belief that these "special effects" will catch on and be all the rage in coming years.

Persons attending the showing would do well to remain after the final symphonic presentation of names for an added treat. Followers of M. Millar's "The Ultimates" should be especially thrilled. I must confess that I found myself applauding at the final revelation.

1 comment:

bluefish said...

I heartily agree!